Friday, February 20, 2009

Here is my honey in pile of snow another blizzard left. They are much like the blizzards we had in Oklahoma, but much, much more snow. The hand rail behind Susan is probably 3 feet high. It was packed  down to 6" before this storm. Susan is actually standing on a pile of snow and she is too light to sink in all the way.
Here is a snow mountain from our small school parking lot. A small child is having a lot of fun!
This is the bay near the Captain Hook Hotel were I am attending a technology conference. I am enjoying being out of the village, but it is really a strange feeling. Part of it is that Susan is not with me, and the other part is all the closeness and activity here in Anchorage. I hope they don't think I will be sitting in a room with a lot of people tomorrow. Right now, I would just as soon be in my classroom with my students and Susan right there across the hall from us.
  I sure am going to miss all of the students this summer. 
Same bay at sunset out my hotel window. I hear there is a swimming pool down stairs; think I will go check it out. 
The days are longer, now. This was at 6:30 p. m. The days of extended darkness never really never bothered me. Susan and I were always busy. There were always things we liked to do. Sometimes we would let some of our students into the school gym and let them play basketball. All of us had fun doing that. Our dog loved to romp up and down the long school halls looking for candy a student let fall from their hand. 


Frank Baker said...

enjoyed the photos and reading about all the snow. I don't think I could live in a place that is so cold. Take care.

Winifred said...

Thanks for the photos. As Frank says it looks so cold. Hope you found the pool and had a good swim.

Is there any reason for calling the hotel after Captain Hook?