Saturday, March 27, 2010

Waiting for the calander to catch up with my

Have you seen this one. Taken right here at Emmonak, AK USA.

He is one of my happiest students. His all-smile-picture really reflects his happy demeanor. He and I trade pens with me getting the short end of the deal most of the time.
This paper laid on the snow for so long I thought I was supposed to take a picture. It is so cold that all the moisture is taken out of the air and the paper looks like the day it was dropped.
Snow mobiles at the end of the year down river junior high tournament. I can't believe how may models and brands of the things there are.
Near New Orleans, this is the work site of one of my daughters who works on the computer and does some field inspections to be sure things are level and spaced correctly. We are going there around May 18, Yeah!

Some of the nicest middle school students a person would want to meet.
Icicles on our house that are bent by the wind. The snow isn't deep enough for the kids to be able to knock the icicles off the edge of the roof.
We have skinny icicles this year. The temperature was moderating, but now it is cold again. Susan and I could not take a five minute walk with the dog without much discomfort from the sharp fingers of icy cold wind invading our hopeful spring clothing. Sorry, I've been teaching more descriptive writing over and over again. Well, I learned it, anyway.
Worlds longest icicle? It is around 48 inches.
It is close to April 1st and do I have the cabin fever. I have been trying to walk to the airport and back, but it is still very cold.
Well, are you cold? I still don't know how the dogs that are kept outside 24-7 and given a fish to eat once a week (or so I hear that is how often) live. I guess plenty of them don't. A student confided to me that he shot a dog the other day when they went rabbit hunting. I guess that is another way to not make it through the winter. Oh, I read in a book that the Alaska Natives boil rabbit. Is that how they do it in Arkansas? I told the kids about a cotton tail I once shot with worms between the skin and flesh. They asked me, did I pick them off or eat it with the worms on. I told them I didn't eat the rabbit at all and don't think I am eating any of your rabbits, either. They really laughed at that one.