Tuesday, July 29, 2008

July 29, 2008

Leaving for Alaska Aug. 3, hope all the prep for this adventure is worth it. I think a person can make good things happen or be negative and ensure the dark side will prevail. Took Lucy, our loyal rat terror, to the vet this morning to get fixed. We are holding on to the adage, she'll live longer. Lucy has chased more than one of my students all the way to convience store (150 feet). She runs back so proud. Yep! students and squirrels are more fun for Lucy than dog food. My students have been very nice about being chased and tell the story at school for a good laugh. I can't believe they can run faster than Lucy.

1 comment:

dihay said...

Well, I just wrote a long comment but lost it because I wasn't signed in...ugh Anyway, I will miss you and hope you have a great time in Alaska. I'll tell the students they drove you "North to Alaska". That's my feeble attempt at humor. Our prayers are with you and you go and do a wonderful job!! Again, I wish I go with you guys...it would be a dream job I think. Adventurous yet lucrative. :) Keep blogging.... diane