These loaded in reverse, so don't look at the last one first go down to the fifth picture and scroll and watch the sunset over the Bering Sea. It took about twenty minutes.

She is going to burn. see top picture.

As you know, the sand here is a pencil lead color.

We flew in this duck taped deluxe plane. The trip was 45 minutes to get the Hooper Bay for the third year.

Sea Shell Collectors

People Susan and I work with at Emmonak. Teachers make great friends.

Pretty as a Picture, as usual!
Not too pretty, but not bad considering I did not sleep well on the floor of the school without an air mattress!! The story is that they (airbags) are stuck in Anchorage. People in this village use honey buckets instead of stools, because there is no sewer system. I don't know why they couldn't use some of the dynamite some use for fishing to dig some holes and put a little outhouse over it. I guess it is the permafrost is really, really hard. I learned some good things to try on my students when I get back to Emmonak. Our students are doing very well with their behavior this year. It makes teaching really fun.