Monday, October 26, 2009

Snow is here!

Students measuring in Susan's class these students are 12 to 14 years old.
Looks like winter is here. We had about 6 inches over the weekend. The teachers got together and played volleyball Saturday night. It was really fun. Down side is our principal tore his Achilles tendon at about the calf. He had to go to Anchorage on Sunday for an operation.
Shot out of Susan's classroom window a few minutes ago. This is Monday night, Oct 26.

Susan's Juneau In-service

This is a glacier near Juneau called the Mendenhall Glacier.
You can see where the glacier pours into the sea.
Nice pond for a beaver.
Oh, here is one now.
Baby and Momma bear. Momma gotta itch.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Just a regular day.

Raven hunting, Sharkey was trying to catch a raven or share whatever they were eating.
Daily sight on the Yukon River. We saw this walking to the post office.
Kids playing in front of their house. I bet they will be glad when it gets really cold so their play ground will not be so wet.
This play ground is full of snow machines.
They are rebuilding a road that goes to the airport, but it will not be finished until next year.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The dog was on his leash pulling to go. This raven was on the ground eating something no doubt delicious, at least for a dog. It flew to the top of the building and I thought why not record the sound it makes. I had the leash around my wrist and the dog was ready to go. This takes a long time to load up here. The school put security all over the school and the video is sent via our Internet hook-up to Anchorage where they keep the files. Our Internet is much slower now and this may be one of the reasons. I am trying to get Susan to let me get the Internet at our house because we have to do so much for the school on the Internet and it would be much nicer to do the work at home.

Monday, October 12, 2009

My daughter, Abby, is the survey design person working on this project at New Orleans. This is going to be a dike door and a big pump that pumps water out if the dike fails next time.
This is my Abby's latest horse, Dezi, who traveled to Abby's new job in New Orleans. Dezi is stabled an hour north of where Abby lives in the River Ridge addition. We are so proud of both of our daughters. Both are hard workers who rarely miss work, just like their mom and dad.

Dog Fight

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Listen to this for some Bering wave sound!

Here are some more. The sea looked very dirty as the sand there is black.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Leaving Bering Sea (Hooper Bay)

I took this on the way to Emmonak from Hooper Bay. Last year we got grounded at Hooper Bay for about 24 hours because of bad weather. I am using the Internet at my house in Emmonak and it takes so long to load one picture that I gave up and will do more tomorrow.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

We made a trip to the beach at Hooper Bay again this year. Susan did not have to go bare footed since she wore her knee-high boots.